Techniques are methods or procedures that make a task more easier and more effective. Techniques and tools work synergistically and each give rise to more tools and more techniques; thus, techniques and tools together further the advancement of human civilization.
know & think Tube video “Technique 👌: What is Technique , characteristics, types, history & examples 🔥 #Knowledge”:
In martial arts, the tools are weapons or human body parts conditioned to act as weapons. There are many ancient and modern martial arts and each have their own tools and techniques; however, the commonality between them involves punches, kicks, blocks, throws, joint locks, footwork, chokes, clinches, nerve points attacks, slashing, cutting, chopping and more. Every martial art has techniques for both stand-up and ground fighting; nonetheless, some emphasise more on stand-up fighting like Taekwondo and Karate; some concentrate more on ground fighting like wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu; while some concentrate more on throws like Judo and Aikido.
The numerous techniques improve discipline, strength, coordination, self-defense skills, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, agility, balance, advantageous usage of the opponent’s force, using leverage, creating fluid movements, mental focus, self-awareness, endurance, fighting spirit, conditioning and more. Techniques of various martial arts can be seen in their respective demonstrations and competitions.
Athiraksh – Taekwondo & Cubing video “10th ITF Asian Taekwondo Championship – 2024 – Demonstration by DPR Korea (Watch till the end)”:
Judo Highlights video “Judo Worlds 2024 FINAL JAPAN vs FRANCE Teams Event – Judo World Championships 2024 世界選手権団体戦決勝”:
Kung Fu
blue hippo films video “1st Taolu World Cup – Suijin Chen (HKG) – Women’s Taijijian – 1st Place”:
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)
FloGrappling video “Mica Galvão vs Andy Murasaki | 2024 IBJJF Worlds Final”:
Muay Thai
ONE Championship video “Shocking Women’s Muay Thai Battle 😱 Sundell vs. Rodrigues | Full Fight”:
FIGHTGURU video “Sambo World Championship 2024’s MOST EPIC Super Heavyweight Fights!”:
Passarinho Capoeira video “Finais dos JOGOS MUNDIAIS – ABADA-Capoeira – Melhores JOGOS”:
SavateTV video “Savate Assaut World Combat Games”:
SUMO PRIME TIME video “THE GRAND FINALE :The Last Man Standing in Nagoya”:
Importance of techniques in martial arts
—Effectiveness and efficiency. Proper technique allows execution of moves with precision; thereby, minimizing energy and maximizing impact.
RebelFire MMA video “Human Weapon – Karate Body Punch”:
—Injury prevention and safety. Correct technique reduces the risk of injury to both the practitioner and their training partners. Without the setback of an injury, training can progress in a consistent manner.
TAEKWONDO NEWS video “Ultimate Martial Arts Fails Compilation”:
—Foundation for advanced skills. All techniques are essentially fundamental movements either singly or in combinations. Fundamental movements are the building blocks on which new skills like combinations, patterns, sparring, and self-defence are built. Mastering fundamental movements provides a strong foundation for learning more advanced techniques involving speed and power.
YOKKAO video “Muay Thai Technique | Saenchai Basic Uppercut Style | YOKKAO Training Course”:
—Adaptability and versatility. Good technique increases versatility which helps in successfully adapting to the various situations presented in a fight, whether indoors or outdoors.
RebelFire MMA video “Human Weapon – Karate Punch Blocking”:
—Discipline and focus. Perfecting any technique requires discipline, perseverance, and focus. The values and tenets imbibed from martial arts also translates into other areas of life, which makes the martial artist successful in any chosen career.
Pacific International Taekwondo video “Pacific International Taekwondo Brisbane – Inst Stephen 3rd Dan Grading – June 2016”:
—Tradition and aesthetics. The techniques of martial arts follow their own respective traditions, and by perfecting the techniques the martial artist respects and preserves those traditions. Every martial art technique also has its own aesthetic beauty. A perfectly executed technique is not only effective, but it is also graceful in its flow and rhythm.
Learn Chinese with Annie video “Wingchun 咏春 | Spring Festival Gala of Chinese New Year Eve 2024 (Fowarded Video)”:
Codified techniques
Warriors fought battles and they found certain movements helped them to win the battles. These winning movements created the fundamental movements. In order to transmit this knowledge of fundamental movements, they were later codified in patterns, tuls, and katas, so that they may be preserved for future generations. Small fundamental movements were grouped together to form a small pattern, and few such small patterns were grouped together to form one large pattern. Decoding of the large patterns reveals their practical applications. In Karate, the decoding of katas is known as bunkai.
SamuraiRoninForHire video “ITF TKD Pattern Applications”:
Simon Scher video “Kwang Gae Tul Applied”:
World Karate Federation video “Historic Kata competition at the Karate World Cup | WORLD KARATE FEDERATION”:
It is essential to remember that a pattern, tul, or kata, is not an imaginary fight. A pattern represents no fight at all, imaginary or real. While practising a pattern, one is not defending from or attacking to some imaginary opponent. One is simply perfecting all the smaller patterns that the large pattern contains. But perfection can come only if the technique is correct along with the correct application of power, which results in the realism of the pattern. Thus, a correct and a powerful execution of a pattern may seem to resemble an imaginary fight; nonetheless, it is not so. A pattern is merely an exercise to gain perfection of the smaller patterns, which contain fundamental movements like stances, blocks, punches, kicks, throws, and other attacking or defensive movements, in all directions, and by utilising both right and left limbs.
It is also essential to remember that a pattern is not for fighting a group of people. Anyone who has ever been in a real fight knows very well that a real fight is totally unorganised, chaotic and unpredictable. Whereas a pattern is fixed, logical and sequential. Then how can a pattern teach to fight against a single individual or a group of people, real or imaginary? The only purpose of practising a pattern is to gain mastery of the fundamental movements, in all directions, by using both left and right limbs.
Again, it is essential to remember that a pattern is not useless in a real fight. Patterns were created from such fundamental movements that helped warriors win in real fights. Punches, kicks, blocks, etc. are fundamental movements. One or more fundamental movements make a small pattern. Small patterns make a large pattern. Hence, when while practicing a large pattern, the smaller patterns are practiced, which again means that actually the fundamental movements are practiced. And fundamental movements win fights, thus, practicing a pattern is very useful in a real fight. Any single fundamental movement, be it a punch, a kick, a choke, a lock, or more, is enough to end a real fight. For example, if one can master only the front kick, then only this one fundamental movement is enough to knockout the opponent.
UFC video “Every Front Kick Finish in UFC History”:
Common techniques
Every martial art has its own repertoire of techniques; however commonly, they involve attacking and defensive techniques. Videos of few such techniques are presented below.
Punching techniques
RebelFire MMA video “Human Weapon Kung Fu – Wing Chun Punch”:
Okinawa Karate Masters video “Basic Karate Punches | Okinawan Karate | Everyday Karate at Home | Ageshio Japan”:
Kru Pol Muay Thai video “Muay Boran Basic Forms”:
Shaolin Temple UK video “Powerful Shaolin Kung Fu Punch – Basics Tutorial”:
Kicking techniques
VTEAM Taekwondo video “Taekwondo basic kicks”:
China Sports & Culture video “Shaolin Kung Fu Seminar – Kicks & Qi Xing Quan”:
Wang Shifu video “Shaolin Kung Class 8: Basic Kicks”:
FOC Taekwondo video “100 DIFFERENT KICKS! | FOC Kicktionary | Taekwondo, Karate, Capoeira, Tricking, Martial Arts”:
Blocking and Dodging techniques
samurai291 video “Taekwondo 5 Basic Blocks,”:
United FNTKD video “Taekwondo l 8 Basic Blocking”:
karate and film shorts video “20 karate blocks blocks #allkarateblocks #karateblocks #collectionofkarateblocks #ukewasa”:
LANNAFIGHTING video “How to block punch in Muaythai style”:
LOGAN BROWN BOXING video “How To Dodge Punches | 4 Drills For Boxing Head movement”:
Throwing and takedown techniques
The Judo Way of Life video “Judo Throw Compilation || 116 Throws 16 Different Techniques”:
WHA Hapkido video “16 Hapkido Throws in 40 seconds”:
Sports ForEver video “Top 20 Best Karate Throwing Techniques”:
Shaolin Kung Fu video “Kung Fu fighting: 19 throw techniques”:
Dante Basili video “手搏摔技36式 36 throwing techniques”:
evanscombatclub video “sanda throwing technique”:
Alpha MMA video “Most BRUTAL Body SLAMS In MMA History”:
United World Wrestling video “5 Minutes of Crazy Greco-Roman Wrestling Throws”:
World of Martial Arts Television video “Expert AIKIDO Throws”:
Joint lock techniques
gianfranco pastore video “Taekwondo Wristlocks and armlock training”:
Straight Circle Martial Arts video “10 Joint Locks Everyone Should Know”:
Karate Culture video “Karate Concept: Joint Manipulation”:
gschoen57 video “Joint Lockings in Shotokan Karate”:
CombatLife Soft video “Judo joint locks – kansetsu waza”:
Maximiliano Mendes video “Hapkido’s wrist and ankle locks. Old.”:
Howcast video “How to Do Wrist Manipulations | Krav Maga Defense”:
Choking and submission techniques
Ravi Mallick workouts MR video “Defense from a choke hold/Taekwondo/Self-defense”:
Sonny Brown video “The Bulldog Choke In MMA – Analysis of a Catch Wrestling Classic”:
UFC video “Standing Rear Naked Choke Finishes in UFC History”:
UFC video “Rare Submissions in History – The Twister”:
Girls Grappling as seen on Jiu-Jitsu Times video “FLYING TRIANGLE CHOKE by AMANDA LEVE • Women Wrestling BJJ MMA Female GIRLS GRAPPLING”:
Budo Brothers video “Escaping A Two Hand Choke: Self Defense That Works”:
fightTIPS video “How to Escape a Standing Rear Choke w/ Bas Rutten”:
TRITAC Martial Arts video “Top 4 Jiu-Jitsu Techniques to Escape Rear Choke”:
Nerve strike techniques
KRAV MAGA TRAINING video “KRAV MAGA TRAINING • Knockout Pressure Points (part 2 of 5)”:
Master Wong video “5 Deadly Pressure Points for Self Defense”:
Tesshin ryū Dojo video “PRESSURE POINTS OF THE NECK (New)”:
Become Wapon video “How to paralyze someone! (The deadly elbow strike)”:
Breaking techniques
New York Hall Of Science video “The Science Behind Breaking Boards”:
My Kung Fu Life video “Break 5 Bricks With Bare Hand in 0.3s, Only Chinese Kung Fu Master Did! | Martial Arts Challenge”:
Bill Stewart video “Sensei Artemio Mancol-Kyokushin Tameshiwari”:
Meeshu Beats video “Karate Skill: 14 Bricks”:
Metal Hammer video “Shaolin Monk breaks iron bar using his head! | Metal Hammer”:
Self-Defense techniques
International Taekwon-Do Defence Force video “ITF DPR Korean Self Defence Demonstration”:
Home Projectory video “ITF Taekwon-Do Self Defence”:
Howcast video “Outside Defense against Punches, Part 1 | Krav Maga Defense”:
KRAV MAGA TRAINING video “KRAV MAGA TRAINING • End a fight in 3 seconds!”:
kuro-obi world video “【Hidden Weapon】in Kung-fu! Thoroughly explained by Miyahira Tamotsu.”:
Intelligent Combat Applications video “Best Self Defense Techniques from Korean Martial Arts”:
skatepoke #PipeHapkido video “Hapkido Self Defense Volume 2”:
Elhusseiny Wageh | The 1% video “100 Shaolin Kung Fu Self Defense Techniques👊| How To Protect Yourself?!”:
Technique, Speed, and Power
Technique, speed, and power are all related vital components. Technique focuses on precision of the movements, which in turn increases effectiveness and reduces wastage of energy. Technique also enhances versatility as mastery of techniques allows a martial artist to instantly adapt to various situations and opponents. Technique also lays the foundation on which speed and power can be built.
Speed can be improved with speed training drills. It improves overall agility and facilitates fast transitions between positions and movements. It enhances reflexes and the reaction time is reduced. With speedy execution of techniques, the various timings and rhythms of a fight can be successfully exploited by catching the opponent off-guard or quickly capturing brief openings. Speed can also contribute to multiplying the power in a strike.
Power is the force behind the strikes, and it determines the amount of impact created by the strike. Power is influenced by mass, speed, and technique. Power can by psychological or physical and it can control or incapacitate opponents.
Technique is often considered the most crucial element because it lays the groundwork for effective execution of speed and power; nonetheless, speed and power also play important roles as they amplify the effectiveness of the techniques. Generally, martial artists are trained to develop a balance of all three to become well-rounded fighters.
Ultimately, it’s not about which is superior, but rather how well they complement and blend with each other. Technique, speed and power, can together blend harmoniously and create formidable attacking and defensive movements to win competitions or battles.
Morgsm. video “Top 10 [EPIC] ancient and medieval massive battles movie scenes of all time PART 2”:
Martial arts have evolved over time and so have their techniques. Swords, spears, and arrows were replaced with cannons, guns and bullets, and in turn, they are being replaced with robots, drones, satellites, missiles, nuclear bombs, laser beams, and artificial intelligence. These are the new high-tech martial tools, and they require totally new and different techniques of usage, fighting and strategy.
Daily Mail video “Ukraine frontline: The killer drones changing warfare”:
Business Insider video “Space Force Is The Newest US Military Branch. But What Do They Actually Do? | Boot Camp”:
Veritasium video “Why Is MIT Making Robot Insects?”:
Front Cost video “BREAKING: US Tests MOST DANGEROUS Space LASER Weapon To Beat China!”:
Digital Engine video “AI says why it will kill us all. Experts agree.”:
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell video “What Happens AFTER Nuclear War?”:
Techniques and tools complement each other and the more advanced they become, unfortunately, the more destructive they become. Currently, human beings have reached a stage where the tools and techniques of warfare have the capacity to totally eliminate the human race. In such a terrifying scenario, the message of peace assumes highest priority. Peace is certainly always cherished more than war and from simply remaining an ideal, peace has now become a necessity for the survival of human beings. Every nation of the world has to compulsorily make technological advancement work towards peace and not war, so that our future generations can enjoy the peaceful results of the immense growth of modern science and technology.
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