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Three-step sparring is the initial basic sparring exercise for beginners generally from the ninth grade to the sixth grade.

“This is an exercise for familiarization of correct attack and defense techniques utilizing mainly the hand parts against middle and high, the foot parts against low targets while stepping forward and backward.” -Gen. Choi Hong Hi (Vol.5, p.21)

Pacific International Taekwondo video “Taekwondo – 3 Step Sparring”:

Three-step sparring can be practiced alone or with a partner. The partner may be of the same height or of a different height. Practice may be done in two methods, namely one way method and two way method.

Two methods

3-step sparring can be practiced in two methods: one way and two way. Both can be practiced either alone or with a partner of same or different height.

—One Way (Han Chok) Method:

Attack is performed only while stepping forward. Defense is performed only while stepping backward.

—Two Way (Yang Chok) Method:

Both attack and defense can be performed either stepping forward or backward.

General principles

  1. The height of the defender and the attacker should be the same.
  2. If the height is not the same, then the height can be adjusted with different stances. For example, the shorter can assume a walking stance, while the taller can assume an L-stance.
  3. If the height difference is significant, then the exercise should be performed alone.

The student should familiarize equally with low, middle, and high, for attack and defense.

Direction diagram (Bang Hyang Pyo)

It is assumed that the performers (X and Y) shall stand on line AB facing each other. X and Y should take stances that are apart, so that they may execute the attack and block with full, natural steps.

Relative foot positions of performers (X and Y)

3-step sparring focuses on proper foot positioning so that correct stance and distance may be taken for attack and defense.

—With walking stance

1st step: The attacker’s foot is placed on the outside of the defender’s foot.
2nd step: The attacker’s foot is placed on the inside of the defender’s foot.
3rd step: The attacker’s foot is placed on the outside of the defender’s foot.

—With L-stance

1st step: The attacker’s foot is placed on the inside of the defender’s foot.
2nd step: The attacker’s foot is placed on the outside of the defender’s foot.
3rd step: The attacker’s foot is placed on the inside of the defender’s foot.

—With L-stance and walking stance

With L-stance, the attacker’s foot is placed on the inside of the defender’s foot, while in walking stance, the attacker’s foot is placed on the outside of the defender’s foot.

Typical procedure of 3-step sparring

Practice of 3-step sparring when alone:

—One way method, when alone, X as an attacker (X steps only forward to attack)
—One way method, when alone, X as an defender (X steps only backward to defend)
—Two way method, when alone, X as an attacker (X may step forward or backward to attack)
—Two way method, when alone, X as a defender (X may step forward or backward to defend)

Practice of 3-step sparring with a partner of same height:

—One way method (X and Y are of same height), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X steps only forward to attack, Y steps only backward to defend)
—One way method (X and Y are of same height), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y steps only forward to attack, X steps only backward to defend)
—Two way method (X and Y are of same height), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X may step forward or backward to attack, Y may step forward or backward to defend)
—Two way method (X and Y are of same height), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y may step forward or backward to attack, X may step forward or backward to defend)

Practice of 3-step sparring with a partner of a different height:

—One way method (X and Y are of different heights), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X steps only forward to attack, Y steps only backward to defend)
—One way method (X and Y are of different heights), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y steps only forward to attack, X steps only backward to defend)
—Two way method (X and Y are of different heights), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X may step forward or backward to attack, Y may step forward or backward to defend)
—Two way method (X and Y are of different heights), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y may step forward or backward to attack, X may step forward or backward to defend)

Practice of 3-step sparring when alone

—One way method, when alone, X as an attacker (X steps only forward to attack)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) From an attention stance, move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
ii) Move the left foot to B and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
iii) Repeat i as above.

3. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Bring the right foot to B and form a parallel ready stance to B.

—One way method, when alone, X as a defender (X steps only backward to defend)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) Maintain a parallel ready stance to B and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B.
ii) Move the left foot to A and form a right walking stance to B, while the right forearm performs a low block to B.
iii) Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B, and then with the right fist punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

3. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Bring the right foot to B and form a parallel ready stance to B.

—Two way method, when alone, X as an attacker (X may step forward or backward to attack)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) From an attention stance, move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
ii) Move the left foot to B and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
iii) Repeat i as above.

3. At the command of “kesok” (continue):
1) Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
ii) Move the left foot to A and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
iii) Repeat i as above.

4. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Bring the right foot to B and form a parallel ready stance to B.

—Two way method, when alone, X as a defender (X may step forward or backward to defend)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) From an attention stance, move the left foot to C and form a parallel ready stance to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a side block to B.
ii) Move the left foot to A and form a right walking stance to B, while the right forearm performs a side block to B.
iii) Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a side block to B, and then with the right fist punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

3. At the command of “kesok” (continue):
1) Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right forearm performs a side block to B.
ii) Move the left foot to B and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a side block to B.
iii) Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right forearm performs a side block to B, and then with the left fist punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

4. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Bring the right foot to B and form a parallel ready stance to B.

Practice of 3-step sparring with a partner of same height

i) X and Y face each other in an attention stance, and then exchange bows.
ii) The distance between X and Y should be measured. The attacker’s foot should be brought forward so that it overlaps the front half of the outerpart of the defender’s foot.
iii) After measuring the distance, the attacker’s foot is brought back to an attention stance.

—One way method (X and Y are of same height), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X steps only forward to attack, Y steps only backward to defend)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B.
i) Y: Move the left foot to D and form a parallel ready stance to A. Both X and Y shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) X: Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
i) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A.

ii) X: Move the left foot to B and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
ii) Y: Move the left foot to B and form a right walking stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to A.

iii) X: Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
iii) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A, and then the right fist performs a middle punch to A, while maintaining the same stance to A.

3. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both X and Y bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

—One way method (X and Y are of same height), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y steps only forward to attack, X steps only backward to defend)

X and Y switch roles. Y becomes an attacker, while X becomes a defender

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) Y: From a parallel ready stance, move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left forearm performs a low block to A, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.
i) X: While maintaining a parallel ready stance to B, shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B.

ii) Y: Move the left foot to A and form a left walking stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
ii) X: Move the left foot to A and form a right walking stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to B.

iii) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
iii) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B, and then the right fist performs a middle punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

3. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both Y and X bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

—Two way method (X and Y are of same height), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X may step forward or backward to attack, Y may step forward or backward to defend)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) X: From an attention stance, move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.
i) Y: From an attention stance, move the left foot to D and form a parallel ready stance to A, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) X: Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
i) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A.

ii) X: Move the left foot to B and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
ii) Y: Move the left foot to B and form a right walking stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to A.

iii) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A, and then with the right fist perform a middle punch to A, while maintaining the same stance to A.

3. At the command of “kesok” (continue):
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
i) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to A.

ii) X: Move the left foot to A and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
ii) Y: Move the left foot to A and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A.

iii) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
iii) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to A, and then the left fist performs a middle punch to A, while maintaining the same stance to A.

4. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both Y and X bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

—Two way method (X and Y are of same height), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y may step forward or backward to attack, X may step forward or backward to defend)

X and Y switch roles. Y becomes an attacker, and X becomes a defender.

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) Y: From a parallel ready stance, move the right foot to B and form a walking stance to A, while the left forearm performs a low block, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.
i) X: Maintain the parallel ready stance to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B.

ii) Y: Move the left foot to A and form a left walking stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
ii) X: Move the left foot to A and form a right walking stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block.

iii) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
iii) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B, and then the right fist performs a middle punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

3. At the command of “kesok” (continue):
i) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
i) X: Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to B.

ii) Y: Move the left foot to B and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
ii) X: Move the left foot to B and form a left walking stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B.

iii) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
iii) X: Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to B, and then the left fist performs a middle punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

4. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both Y and X bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

Practice of 3-step sparring with a partner of a different height

i) X and Y face each other in an attention stance, and then exchange bows.
ii) The distance between X and Y should be measured. The attacker’s foot should be brought forward so that it overlaps the front half of the outerpart of the defender’s foot.
iii) After measuring the distance, the attacker’s foot is brought back to an attention stance.

—One way method (X and Y are of different heights), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X steps only forward to attack, Y steps only backward to defend)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.
i) Y: Move the left foot to D and form a parallel ready stance to A, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) X: Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
i) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a right L-stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a block to A.

ii) X: Move the left foot to B and form a left walking stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
ii) Y: Move the left foot to B and form a left L-stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a block to A.

iii) X: Move the right foot to B and form a right walking stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
iii) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a right L-stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a block to A, and then the right fist performs a middle punch to A, while maintaining the same stance to A.

3. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both X and Y bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

—One way method (X and Y are of different heights), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y steps only forward to attack, X steps only backward to defend)

X and Y switch roles. Y becomes an attacker and X becomes a defender.

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left forearm performs a low block to A, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.
i) X: Maintain the parallel ready stance to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a left L-stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B.

ii) Y: Move the left foot to A and form a right L-stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
ii) X: Move the left foot to A and form a right walking stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to B.

iii) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a left L-stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
iii) X: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B, and then the right fist performs a middle punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

3. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both X and Y bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

—Two way method (X and Y are of different heights), X as an attacker, Y as a defender (X may step forward or backward to attack, Y may step forward or backward to defend)

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) X: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left forearm performs a low block to A, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.
i) Y: Form a parallel ready stance to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
i) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right L-stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B.

ii) X: Move the left foot to A and form a left walking stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
ii) Y: Move the left foot to A and form a left L-stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to B.

iii) X: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
iii) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right L-stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B, and then with the right fist perform a middle punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

3. At the command of “kesok” (continue):
i) X: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
i) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left L-stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to B.

ii) X: Move the left foot to B and form a right walking stance to A, while the right fist performs a punch to A.
ii) Y: Move the left foot to B and form a right L-stance to B, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to B.

iii) X: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left fist performs a punch to A.
iii) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left L-stance to B, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to B, and then the left fist performs a middle punch to B, while maintaining the same stance to B.

4. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both Y and X bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

—Two way method (X and Y are of different heights), Y as an attacker, X as a defender (Y may step forward or backward to attack, X may step forward or backward to defend)

X and Y switch roles. Y becomes an attacker, and X becomes a defender.

1. At the command of “sambo matsoki junbi” (3-step sparring ready):
i) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a left walking stance to B, while the left forearm performs a low block to B, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.
i) X: Move the left foot to D and form a parallel ready stance to A, and shout “Ya” as a ready signal.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):
i) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left L-stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
i) X: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A.

ii) Y: Move the left foot to B and form a right L-stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
ii) X: Move the left foot to B and form a right walking stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to A.

iii) Y: Move the right foot to B and form a left L-stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
iii) X: Move the right foot to B and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A, and then the right fist performs a middle punch to A, while maintaining the same stance to A.

3. At the command of “kesok” (continue):
i) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right L-stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
i) X: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to A.

ii) Y: Move the left foot to A and form a left L-stance to B, while the right fist performs a punch to B.
ii) X: Move the left foot to A and form a left walking stance to A, while the left inner forearm performs a side block to A.

iii) Y: Move the right foot to A and form a right L-stance to B, while the left fist performs a punch to B.
iii) X: Move the right foot to A and form a right walking stance to A, while the right inner forearm performs a side block to A, and then the left fist performs a middle punch to A, while maintaining the same stance to A.

4. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):
i) Both Y and X bring their right foot respectively and form a parallel ready stance.

Note: The above samples of 3-step sparring only serve as a guide and may be modified according to the instructor.


1. Choi H. H. (1965). “Taekwon-Do:The Art of Self-Defence”, Daeha Publication Company: Seoul, Korea.
2. Gen. Choi, H. H. (1985). “Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do (Vols. 1–15)”, International Taekwon-Do Federation: Vienna.

Also see:

Sparring (Taeryon/ Matsogi) in Taekwon-Do: An Introduction
Two-Step sparring (Ibo Matsogi)
One-step sparring (Ilbo Matsogi)
Semi-Free sparring (Ban Jayu Matsogi)
Free sparring (Chayu Taeryon/ Jayu Matsogi)
Foot sparring (Chokki Taeryon/ Bal Matsogi)

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