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How Taekwondo Changed My Life by Mitchell Hudson


Member Stories



My name is Mitchell Hudson and I am an assistant instructor at the Slacks Creek and Balmoral branches of Pacific International Taekwondo.

Allow me to share with you the profound impact that Pacific International Taekwondo has had on my life over the past two decades.

As someone who has been immersed in the world of martial arts for 28 years, with 20 of those spent at Pacific International Taekwondo, I can attest to the transformative power of this martial arts academy.

I started Taekwondo training at the Slacks Creek branch when I was 14. While I’d had prior experience in karate from the age of 6yrs and as a black belt, it was at Pacific International Taekwondo that I developed a real passion and understanding for martial arts. Under the guidance of my mentor instructor Snr Instructor Stephen Nicolson, I embarked on a training journey that goes further than I’d ever expected; even now I don’t know how deep this rabbit hole goes.

What sets Pacific International Taekwondo apart is not just its focus on physical training but its emphasis on character development and fostering a sense of community. As I never knew a father, Snr Instructor Steve was more than just a teacher for me, he became a mentor and a role model, he taught me how to conduct myself, and as I had very bad ADHD, he imparted valuable life lessons that extended far beyond the confines of the dojo. Through his guidance along with the guidance of my masters, I learned the importance of discipline, perseverance, and humility – qualities that have served me well not only in training but my businesses and relationships also.

However, Taekwondo training is not without its challenges. Throughout my training, I encountered numerous obstacles, both physical and mental. One of the most significant setbacks came when I tore the adductor tendons in my left leg. We had been training outside, the grass was wet and I slipped. The injury left me unable to fully train for 3-4 months and I had to limit myself to hand techniques. Another incident happened when during a gym session I nearly had a hernia erupt while squatting weights without a belt. These events caused me to take a few years off Taekwondo training. It was a period of immense frustration and self-doubt. After 5 years of being 1st Dan black belt I lost hope that I’d ever achieve 2nd Dan. That had been a real goal for me as I had always seen a huge difference between 1st and 2nd Dan, so stopping my Taekwondo training made me doubt myself for a long time.

The ongoing support of my instructors and fellow practitioners at Pacific International Taekwondo was one of the best things to come out of this time. It helped me find the strength to persevere. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities motivated me to push through the pain and emerge stronger, however I still deal with injuries like we all do, so even now I do the best I can each day.

Today, as a 1st dan black belt and instructor at Pacific International Taekwondo, I find myself in a position of responsibility and privilege. Teaching classes and passing on the knowledge and skills that I have acquired over the years is not just a duty but a profound honor. Knowing I am helping to shape the next generation of martial artists gives me a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Instilling in them the same values and principles that have guided me on my journey is fulfilling.

When a person becomes a member of Pacific International Taekwondo, adult or child, they are taught the 5 tenets of Taekwondo, they are: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit. These qualities are something that I hold with me today through every endeavour of my life.

Pacific International Taekwondo is more than just a martial arts academy; it is a community, a family, a sanctuary where individuals from all walks of life come together to pursue their passion for martial arts. The camaraderie and sense of belonging that permeates the atmosphere is truly remarkable, creating an environment that is conducive to growth, learning, and self-discovery.

For anyone considering embarking on their own martial arts journey, I wholeheartedly recommend Pacific International Taekwondo. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, you will find a supportive and nurturing environment where you can thrive and reach your full potential. All you need to do is ask and help is there. For a long time, I avoided reaching out for help or guidance. I’ve realised since then that support is given willingly, the instructors really want their students to succeed and do all they can to help them.

The lessons you learn and the friendships you forge at Pacific International Taekwondo will stay with you for a lifetime, shaping not only your skills as a martial artist but also your character as an individual.

Embarking on the path of martial arts as a white belt initiates a transformative journey that transcends mere physical skill, delving into realms of discipline, perseverance, and self-discovery.

As one progresses through the ranks, from yellow belt to green, blue, and brown, culminating in the coveted black belt, each stage symbolizes not just mastery of technique, but a profound evolution of character and spirit.

The journey from white belt, which signifies innocence and being new to the art, to black belt which signifies the overcoming of fear and mastery of the basic principles, includes learning and applying the 5 tenets of Taekwondo and developing steadfast determination.

1: Courtesy; is the showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behaviour towards other class members and instructors.

2: Integrity; is the quality of being honest to the instructors when asked and having strong moral principles, as it allows you to take ownership of one’s mistakes and correct them.

3: Self-control; the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions, especially in difficult situations like free sparring and to not get ahead of yourself.

4: Perseverance; is the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition

5: Indomitable spirit is that part of a person which makes them unique. It is that part of a person which provides hope, strength and courage to get up and face each day with a smile. Indomitable spirit is perseverance on a long-term basis

While perseverance and indomitable spirit are similar in principle, they are different in practice.

These tenets help form the foundation and the way of training, leading and interacting with each other within Pacific International Taekwondo.

Transitioning to the yellow belt stage, practitioners begin to grasp the fundamental principles of Taekwondo. Movements become a bit more fluid, strikes more precise, this was crucial for me as students hone their skills through dedicated practice and repetition. With each belt promotion, my sense of accomplishment and progress propelled me forward.

As the journey progresses through the green, blue, and brown belt stages, I underwent a profound transformation, both physically and mentally. Techniques became more intricate, requiring heightened focus and discipline. Sparring sessions challenged me to adapt and evolve, honing my reflexes and strategic thinking.

Yet, it is not merely the acquisition of technical proficiency that defines the journey towards the black belt. Along the way, we all encounter obstacles and setbacks, like pulling a muscle or overextending a technique that can have us out of practice for weeks or even years. It tests your resolve and resilience.

Finally, the attainment of the black belt represents the culmination of years of dedication, discipline, overcoming fear and sacrifice.

It is a testament to the indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment of the martial artist. it also marks the beginning of a new chapter—a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous self-improvement.

In conclusion, the journey from white belt to black belt is a profound experience that encourages us to overcome obstacles both physically and mentally. It is a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth—a journey that shapes not only the martial artist’s skill but also their character and spirit. As one embarks on this path, they become not just practitioners of martial arts, but stewards of its timeless wisdom and tradition.

So far, my experience at Pacific International Taekwondo has been nothing short of life changing. It has taught me valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the importance of community. I am eternally grateful for the guidance and support I have received from Snr Instructor Steve and my Master Instructors and along with my fellow practitioners. I look forward to continuing my journey at this amazing martial arts school for many years to come.

Mitchell Hudson, 1st Dan Black Belt


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