Our Brisbane Taekwondo classes are good for everyone, yet when most people think of martial art training, they form a mental picture of men participating in the lessons. Women and girls rarely, if ever, come to mind. However, the reality is that learning a martial art is wonderful for both girls and women, and there are many reasons why Taekwondo training at Pacific International Taekwondo is perfect for them.
Self Worth
First of all, Taekwondo helps girls and women test themselves. We often ask ourselves: “What am I really made of?”. Heading into the training hall is a way to find out, and the answer is almost always “I am more than I thought I was.” Perseverance, determination, and toughness are skills that are not only developed through Taekwondo training, but very often are qualities that were there all along – we just need ways to discover them within ourselves. Taekwondo teaches us to realize how strong we are, and that’s especially important for girls and women.
Girls who were once shy and had low self-esteem come out of our Taekwondo training classes in Brisbane feeling empowered and ready to take on new challenges. We all want to reach our potential as people, but we don’t always know how to do it. Taekwondo offers a road map that shows women and girls how to get there.
Self Defense
Another reason for girls and women to take up martial arts is self-defence. Women are simply at a higher risk of attack than men, from both strangers and from within close relationships. Developing self-awareness, self-esteem and self-defence skills can be the difference in positive outcome and a negative one.
Many women think there is no point in learning self-defence skills because they’ll never overpower an attacker. That might be the case, but techniques aren’t about overpowering and Taekwondo offers a set of skills that will allow women and girls to be the masters of themselves and their environment. The punches and kicks you learn in your Brisbane Taekwondo class aren’t choreographed dance moves; they’re actual fighting moves that can be effective if you are attacked. There are right ways and wrong ways to throw a punch and to kick, and in order to do these well you have to be properly trained. Being safe isn’t about outward strength, it’s about mastering some techniques that you can use and understanding how to be aware of your environment so that you avoid attacks.
Taekwondo Is Fun
Finally, Taekwondo is FUN. Hitting a bag feels great. Learning to kick feels great. Sparring in the training hall with an opponent feels great. The whole experience is empowering for girls and women, with the feeling of getting stronger and feeling good about yourself being part of that positive path that is Taekwondo. There are so many amazing things about the martial arts experience, not the least of which is the camaraderie that is built with other members of the class and the instructor. The community aspect of the training environment is one that not only keeps things fun and high spirited, but also inspires everyone involved into becoming better.
Although the physical expression of Taekwondo is punching, kicking, striking and other defence skills, this practice is not about fighting an opponent. Instead, as we see during our Brisbane Taekwondo classes, it’s about challenging yourself and finding what it takes to be a winner in life, and that applies to HER as well as to HIM!
Need high-quality martial arts gear at reasonable prices?
Pacific Sports (a subsidiary of Pacific International Taekwondo) offers a range of high-quality, functional and affordable Taekwondo and Karate uniforms, as well as Martial Art and Kickboxing equipment, Kick Boxing Shorts, MMA Rash Guards, MMA Gloves, TKD paddles, Shin Guards, Kick Shield, Instep Pad Guards, Focus Pads, Focus Mitts, TKD shoes and Gel Hand Wraps, anywhere in Australia.
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