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Martial arts education: Offline, Online, and Blended methodologies

Defense_drill it into your subconscious

Education can be imparted via offline, online or blended methodologies. Traditional learning or offline learning is imparted in a school, in a typical classroom setting. Digital learning or online learning is imparted digitally using digital tools like the internet, computer, tablets, and mobile devices. Blended learning is a blend of offline and online learning in various blends having different proportions of offline and online learning.

Harvard Business School video “Take a Seat in the Harvard MBA Case Classroom”:

With the digital revolution, and particularly with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic when staying at home became a necessity, online learning witnessed a massive rise.

University of Nottingham video “What are the benefits of online learning?”:

After the world overcame the pandemic, comparisons between the two learning methods were made.

Stafford Global video “5 Differences between Online Learning vs Classroom Learning”:

ADED PSE video “Teaching Online and Teaching Face to Face”:

Education methods in martial arts

Martial arts education, nowadays, can be accessed by offline and online methods.

Traditional or offline learning method

Offline learning is the traditional approach, which incorporates learning in an indoor training hall, or outdoors in natural surroundings like an open ground, park, mountain, forest, river, etc.

karate do mi camino video “KARATE DO – MI CAMINO; GICHIN FUNAKOSHI”:

Altan Nergui video “Traditional Mongolian Cavalry performing Horseback Archery . Namnaa Academy archers .”:

Warrior Path video “Sugino Sensei 10th Dan Master of Katori Shinto Ryu”:

Aikikan video “Aikido: Kanshu Sunadomari Sensei, 9th dan. Aikido Demonstration”:

Ninjutsu para todos video “Masaaki Hatsumi Hidden Weapons Shuriken Techniques”:

Digital or Online learning method

With technology, the possibility of accessing martial arts education via online method is also being undertaken.

Global Martial Arts University video “Taekwondo Follow Along Class – White Belt – Class #1”:

World Wide Karate Guide video “Martial Arts for Beginners – Lesson 1 / Basic Karate Cobra Kai Techniques”:

Blended learning method

Education may broadly be classified into theoretical and practical learning. It seems that the online method adapts more suitably with theoretical learning and offline method with practical learning. But many streams of knowledge require both theoretical and practical learning blended in different proportions. Due to this, a combination of offline and online learning methods, known as blended learning, is being explored. Blended learning appears to the chosen education model of the future and several different types of blends have evolved.

Education Elements video “The Basics of Blended Learning”:

TCDSB 21C video “What Blended Learning Looks Like in the Classroom”:

Kenzie Mack video “6 Models of Blended Learning”:

Can martial arts utilize a blended learning model?

Martial art is essentially a physical art and therefore, it relies heavily on practical guidance from face-to-face instruction. However, to effectively use technology, martial arts may be taught in a blended learning environment. For example, theoretical concepts of flexibility, balance, stability, footwork, range, code of honour, tenets, principles, power, and more, may be imparted online via pre-recorded videos, animations, diagrams, photos, or live internet classes; while practical guidance in fundamental movements, attacking and defensive techniques, sparring, and more, may be imparted in a traditional classroom setting.

As of now, perhaps there is no martial arts school that has experimented with this blended learning model. However, the blended learning model is increasingly being used in academia, and it might be possible that martial arts schools may also implement such a learning model in the future. It might be possible that an artificial intelligence instructor may teach martial arts. The possibilities are endless.

Sensei Seth video “Learning Karate from Artificial Intelligence”:


Seeing a video where a punch delivered to the jaw results in a knockout is online learning, while being actually knocked out by a punch on the jaw is offline learning. Therefore, as of now, online learning tools like videos, online seminars, and live chats can best serve as references, while traditional or offline learning from a human martial arts instructor is a necessity. Nonetheless, blended learning may offer some exciting possibility, for learning as well as imparting education in martial arts, in the future.


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