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Self-Defence (Hosin Sul): Throwing and Falling Techniques (Dunjigi wa Torojigi): Disadvantageous Throws

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Self-Defence (Hosin Sul): Throwing and Falling Techniques (Dunjigi wa Torojigi): Disadvantageous Throws

“A throwing technique in Taekwon-Do is only used when you do not wish to seriously injure an opponent, to occasionally counter an opponent’s counter-attack or if an opponent is blocked in a way that it is impossible for him to utilize any of his attacking tools. As soon as a throwing technique is used, step back to avoid a counter-attack motion.” – Gen. Choi Hong Hi (Vol.5. p.341)

“The emphasis in falling is naturally placed on learning to fall without getting hurt and recovering as quickly as possible. […] there are certain basic rules that must be followed:
1. Relax the body.
2. Fall to the side rather than the flat of the back. The falling should be done with a rolling motion distributing the weight on the buttocks, side and shoulder.
3. Absorb the shock by striking the ground or floor with the palm of the hand.
4. Tuck the chin into the chest to avoid the head striking the ground or floor.
5. Raise the legs.” – Gen. Choi Hong Hi (Vol.5. p.341)

Disadvantageous throws

“Though frequently exercised, the throwing technique illustrated below are more often than not disadvantageous to the thrower.” – Gen. Choi Hong Hi (Vol.5. p.351)

X (attacker), Y (defender). The roles of X and Y can be reversed so that both practitioners can practice all movements.

X and Y are standing and facing each other.

Method 1

X: In a walking stance, with the right fist perform a middle obverse punch.
Y: In a walking stance, with the left palm perform a reverse hooking block.
Y: With the left hand grab the right wrist of X, while bending down and with the right hand grab the right ankle of X.
Disadvantage: The entire right side of Y is open to X. X may use the left hand to perform a punch to Y, or use the left leg to kick Y. Y is totally defenseless on the right side.
Y: With the right hand lift the ankle of X, while the left hand pushes down the right wrist of X.
Disadvantage: Y has no defense for X’s left elbow thrust on Y’s spine.
Y: Lift X on the shoulders and throw X on the ground.
X: Upon hitting the ground, use the right foot to perform a high twisting kick.
Y: Dodge to the rear. Failing to dodge will result in the lower abdomen being attacked.

Method 2

X: In a walking stance, with the right flat fingertip perform a high obverse thrust.
Y: In a walking stance, with the left outer forearm perform an obverse side block.
Y: With both hands grab the right hand of X, while turning sideways and performing a low front kick to the right ankle of X.
Disadvantage: When Y turns sideways, then the entire right side is open. X can attack the ribs of Y. X can also use any punch or kick on Y, before Y is able to disbalance X.
Y: With the low front kick disbalance the leg of X, while pulling downwards the right arm of X. X will fall on the ground.
X: While lying down, with the right ball of the foot perform a turning kick.
Y: Dodge to the rear. Failing to dodge will result in the abdomen being attacked.

Method 3

X: In a walking stance, with the right fist perform a high obverse punch.
Y: In a walking stance, with the left palm perform a hooking block.
Y: With both hands grab the right hand of X, raise X’s hand, turn backwards and pull downwards the hand of X over the shoulder.
Disadvantage: The entire back side of Y is open. X may perform a knee strike to the coccyx of Y, or perform a low front kick to the back of the knee of Y to disbalance Y. With the left hand, X may perform any strike to the head or neck of Y.
Y: While pulling downwards the arm of X, bend down and throw X over the shoulder.
X: Lying on the ground, with the right ball of the foot perform a turning kick.
Y: Dodge to the rear. Failing to dodge will result in the abdomen being attacked.

Taekwon-Do is a practical art; hence it can be learnt only from an instructor. Words, diagrams and videos can help only as a reference, and they cannot replace an instructor. Expert practical guidance from an instructor is invaluable.

“Certainly the most important asset any training hall can have is a good instructor. There is no substitute for a well-trained, intelligent, perceptive and patient instructor.” – Gen. Choi Hong Hi (Vol.6, p.17).


Choi, H. H. (1985). Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do (Vols. 1–15). Vienna: International Taekwon-Do Federation.

Also see:

Self-Defence Techniques (Hosin Sul): An Introduction


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