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Pacific Int Taekwondo girls sparring


“Virtually, this sparring is considered the most important one from the point of view that the ultimate goal of Taekwon-Do in real combat is to win the victory with just a single seasoned blow. […] The secret of this sparring is to deliver a completely accurate speedy and decisive blow at the opponent’s vital spot at the right time with the right weapon while defending against the opponent’s attack effectively. ” – Gen. Choi Hong Hi (Vol.5, p.108)

Pacific International Taekwondo video “Taekwondo – 1Step Sparring”:

Direction diagram (Bang Hyang Pyo)

1-Step Sparring

X and Y stand on the line AB facing each other and both assume an attention stance.

Typical procedure of 1-step sparring

The distance between x and Y may be one full length of stance, although it can be flexible as per the technique to be used.

1. At the command of “Ilbo Matsogi Junbi” (one-step sparring ready):

X: Move the right foot and form a parallel ready stance.
Y: Move the left foot and form a parallel ready stance.
As a ready signal, both X and Y shout “Ya”.

2. At the command of “si jak” (commence):

X: Perform an appropriate action of attack.
Y: Perform an appropriate action of defence, followed by a counter-attack.

3. At the command of “gumahn” (stop):

Both X and Y assume a ready stance.

Few examples


  1. The roles of X and Y can be switched by the partners, so that both can practice attack, defence and counter-attack moves.
  2. The below given examples of 1-step sparring only serve as a guide and may be modified.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance outer forearm obverse side block, followed by a right knee turning kick.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: L-stance knife-hand outward block, followed by a left foot middle side piercing kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: L-stance reverse knife-hand inward block, followed by a left foot middle front snap kick.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Walking stance inner forearm obverse outside block, followed by a left instep low front snap kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance outer forearm obverse outside block, followed by a middle side punch, while moving the right foot forward and forming a sitting stance.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: L-stance back-hand outside block, followed by a right foot middle side piercing kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: L-stance outer forearm inward block, followed by middle punch, while slipping the left foot and forming a left fixed stance.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance back-hand obverse inside block, followed by a right knee strike as a low front snap kick.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: L-stance inner forearm reverse outside block, followed by flat fingertip high thrust, while maintaining the same stance and shifting to A.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: L-stance knife-hand reverse inward block, followed by right foot low front snap kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance knife-hand reverse side block, followed by a right instep high turning kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance reverse knife-hand reverse side block, followed by a right upset fingertip low thrust, while slipping the left foot and forming a left walking stance.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: L-stance reverse knife-hand reverse upward block, followed by a back-fist side strike, while moving the right foot to A and forming a left rear foot stance.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Front rising kick, followed by a left back-fist side strike, while forming a left X-stance.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: L-stance reverse knife-hand guarding block, followed by a back-fist side front strike, while slipping the left foot and forming a left walking stance.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Side rising kick, followed by a back-fist reverse front-strike, while forming a left walking stance.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance palm reverse upward block, followed by a left foot low front snap kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance palm reverse downward block, followed by an upper elbow strike, while slipping the left foot and forming a left walking stance.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: While sliding to B perform a rear foot stance forearm guarding block, followed by an L-stance side elbow thrust while sliding to A.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance knife-hand obverse side block, followed by a right foot high inward vertical kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: L-stance X-knife-hand checking block, followed by a right knee low front snap kick, while pulling the opponent’s hand.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance palm obverse outside hooking block, followed by pulling the opponent’s hand and performing a right foot middle side piercing kick.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance X-knife-hand checking block, followed by pulling both hands and performing a left knee side front snap kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance double forearm reverse block, followed by a knife-hand downward strike, while in a stamping motion moving the left foot and forming a sitting stance.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance outer forearm obverse downward block, followed by un upward punch, while in a jumping motion forming a left X-stance.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Outside hooking kick, followed by a right foot middle side piercing kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Outside crescent kick, followed by a side piercing kick.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Left foot inside hooking kick, followed by an inward cross-cut, while in a stamping motion forming a right L-stance.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Walking stance X-fist downward block, followed by a right foot reverse hooking kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance X-knife-hand downward block, followed by a long fist high punch, while shifting to A and maintaining the same stance.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: L-stance palm reverse downward block, followed by a right foot low twisting kick.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: X-stance twin palm front block, followed by a right foot dodging side piercing kick, while flying away to B.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance double forearm block, followed by right foot back piercing kick.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance forearm obverse downward block, followed by a palm middle pushing block, while moving to AD with the left foot.

X: Walking stance middle obverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance knife-hand hooking block, followed by a high elbow strike, while slipping the left foot and forming a left low stance.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: Rear foot stance forearm reverse downward block, followed by a left instep high turning kick.

X: Walking stance middle reverse punch.
Y: L-stance twin palm downward block, followed by a forefinger thrust, while slipping the left foot and forming a left walking stance.

X: Walking stance high obverse punch.
Y: Walking stance arc-hand reverse rising block, followed by a shifting motion to perform a twin fist high vertical punch.

X: Walking stance high obverse punch.
Y: Bending ready stance to A and dodging to C, followed by a left foot high side piercing kick.

X: Walking stance high reverse punch.
Y: Right foot high side piercing kick, followed by a knife-hand side strike, while forming a sitting stance to D.

X: Walking stance high obverse punch.
Y: Right foot stance forearm guarding block and sliding to B, followed by a right foot reverse turning kick, while flying away from the opponent.

X: Walking stance high obverse punch.
Y: Double side piercing kick.

X: Walking stance high reverse punch.
Y: While flying away from the opponent to B, perform a dodging side piercing kick, followed by a knife-hand side strike while forming a left L-stance.

X: Walking stance high obverse punch.
Y: Front checking kick, followed by a high side punch, while forming a left X-stance to D.

X: Walking stance flat finger high obverse thrust.
Y: X-stance X-fist rising block, followed by a flat fingertip outward cross-cut, while flying to B away from the opponent.

X: Walking stance knife-hand reverse front strike.
Y: Falling down and supporting the body with both hands and the left knee, while the right foot performs a high side piercing kick.

X: L-stance knife-hand reverse downward strike.
Y: Walking stance twin palm rising block, followed by a right knee turning kick.

X: L-stance knife-hand middle reverse outward strike.
Y: Sweeping kick with the right back heel, while the body is supported with the left knee and both hands.

X: Rear foot stance middle knuckle fist high vertical punch.
Y: Parallel stance X-fist front block, followed by a forefinger thrust, while moving the right foot to B and forming a left walking stance.

X: Sitting stance knife-hand high side strike.
Y: Sitting stance palm pushing block, followed by a right fist middle punch while moving to BD with the left foot.

X: Flying middle punch.
Y: Right foot dodging reverse turning kick, while flying to B away from the opponent.

X: Flying middle side punch.
Y: L-stance knife-hand guarding block, followed by a right foot mid-air kick.

X: Low front snap kick.
Y: L-stance reverse knife-hand low reverse inward block, followed by a right foot dodging outward vertical kick, while flying to B away from the opponent.

X: Reverse hooking kick.
Y: Move the left foot to B and form a sitting stance back hand parallel block, followed by a right foot inward pressing kick.

X: Back heel pick-shape kick.
Y: Parallel stance twin palm rising block, followed by a right fist dodging punch, while flying to B away from the opponent.

X: Flying from snap kick.
Y: While flying right knife-hand outward block, followed by a right fist dodging side punch, while flying to B away from the opponent.

X: Flying reverse turning kick.
Y: In a jumping motion to B, left L-stance knife-hand guarding block, followed by a right knife-hand outward strike while flying.

X: Flying side piercing kick.
Y: Inward block with the left outer forearm, followed by a right foot dodging turning kick, while flying to A away from the opponent.

X: Flying side front snap kick.
Y: In a jumping motion to A, left L-stance forearm guarding block, followed by a right foot side piercing kick, while flying.

X: Flying vertical double front snap kick.
Y: In a sliding motion to B, left rear foot stance forearm guarding block, followed by a right back fist horizontal double side strike, while flying.

X: Flying vertical double turning kick.
Y: In a jumping motion to A, right L-stance forearm guarding block, followed by a left fist horizontal double punch, while flying.

X: Flying horizontal double side piercing kick.
Y: In a jumping motion to A, left L-stance knife-stance guarding block, followed by a right foot mid-air kick.


1. Choi H. H. (1965). “Taekwon-Do:The Art of Self-Defence”, Daeha Publication Company: Seoul, Korea.
2. Gen. Choi, H. H. (1985). “Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do (Vols. 1–15)”, International Taekwon-Do Federation: Vienna.

Also see:

Sparring (Taeryon/ Matsogi) in Taekwon-Do: An Introduction
Three-step sparring (Sambo Matsogi)
Two-Step sparring (Ibo Matsogi)
Semi-Free sparring (Ban Jayu Matsogi)
Free sparring (Chayu Taeryon/ Jayu Matsogi)
Foot sparring (Chokki Taeryon/ Bal Matsogi)


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