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Instructor, Good Instructor, Great Instructor, Super Instructor

Taekwondo training Brisbane

Taekwondo is an art that cannot be learnt without an instructor.

Instructors offer both a macro- and a micro-view of Taekwondo by providing theoretical as well as practical training.

Theoretical Training

Instructors provide theoretical training on:

A Brief History of Taekwondo
Kwans, Organisations and Styles of Taekwondo
Basic Vocabulary of Taekwondo
Technical Vocabulary of ITF-Style Taekwon-Do
Tenets of Taekwon-Do
Moral Culture in Taekwon-Do
Philosophy of Taekwon-Do
Unique Advantages of Taekwon-Do
Theory of Power in Taekwon-Do
and more…

“Certainly the most important asset any training hall can have is a good instructor. There is no substitute for a well-trained, intelligent, perceptive and patient instructor.” – Gen. Choi Hong Hi (Vol.6, p.17, Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do).

Practical Training

Instructors provide practical training on:

The importance of stretching
Warm-up and Cool-down in Taekwondo
Footwork and its common types
Fundamental Exercises in Taekwon-Do: An introduction
Fundamental Exercises (Part A) in Taekwon-Do: A list of 149 exercises
Fundamental Exercises (Part B) in Taekwon-Do: A list of 218 exercises
Patterns (Tul) in Taekwon-Do: An Introduction
and more…

What makes an instructor into a good instructor?

Michigan Martial Arts Project video “What Qualities Make A Good Martial Arts Teacher?”:

What Makes a Good Instructor?

Good instructors demonstrate:
1. an understanding of how a technique works.
2. the ability to display how it works.
3. the ability to explain how it works.
4. a consideration for the level of the student.
5. setting themselves up as role models.
6. patience to encourage the student.
7. integrity by showing respect to the student.
8. perseverance to motivate the student.
9. sensitivity to the capabilities of the student.

What makes a good instructor into a great instructor?

1. Great instructors are great communicators.
They communicate in all forms. They communicate by language, by body movements, by dress, by behaviour, and by setting themselves as someone that the student aspires to become. A student may be discouraged, or have doubts, or be afraid or simply be overwhelmed, and in such circumstances, it is by honest and sensitive communication by a great instructor that the student becomes confident and capable.

2. Great instructors are great listeners.
They are perceptive and sensitive enough to read between lines, listen to what is being said and understand what is not being said by the student. They carefully observe the students and recognise the anxieties or the difficulties that the students may face. They can relate to the students training problems and provide solutions, so that the students can overcome them. This raises the confidence and skill level of the students.

TEDx Talks video “What makes a good teacher great? | Azul Terronez | TEDxSantoDomingo”:

3. Great instructors are greatly adaptable, flexible and resilient.
They understand that every student is different and there is no one size that fits all. Therefore, they adjust their training routines based on the student’s age, capabilities, fitness levels, and skills gained.

4. Great instructors are great at engaging students.
They proactively engage with each and every student, use creativity in their lessons, and with healthy humour make the atmosphere fun-filled and enjoyable for all, without sacrificing the high quality of training.

HD Film Tributes video “To Sir, with Love • Theme Song • Lulu”:

5. Great instructors show great empathy.
They interact with the student to understand the student more. Not every student learns equally, some learn fast, some learn slow, but in the end they all learn. They empathise with each student.

6. Great instructors are great learners.
They learn every time, everywhere, and are life-long learners. They learn from a small baby to an old person and from everyone in-between.

What makes a great instructor into a super instructor?

Super instructors can teach any student, irrespective of the student’s physical or mental limitations.

Super instructors can teach a student who is blind

“Longstreet” is an American TV series that was broadcast on the ABC in the 1971–1972 season. “The series starred James Franciscus as insurance investigator Mike Longstreet. After a bomb (hidden in a champagne bottle) kills his wife, Ingrid, and leaves him blind, the title character pursues and captures the killers. He then continues his career as an insurance investigator despite his blindness. Longstreet’s seeing eye dog was a white German Shepherd called Pax…Bruce Lee appeared in four episodes as Li Tsung, an antiques dealer and Jeet Kune Do expert who becomes Longstreet’s martial arts instructor.” [1]

lucasnooker video “Bruce Lee: Longstreet: Training the blind man”:

lucasnooker video “Bruce Lee: Longstreet: The Blind Mans Fight”:

Super instructors can teach a student who is blind, deaf and mute

“‘The Miracle Worker’ is a 1962 American biographical film about Anne Sullivan, blind tutor to Helen Keller…Young Helen Keller (Patty Duke), blind and deaf since infancy due to a severe case of scarlet fever, is frustrated by her inability to communicate and subject to frequent violent and uncontrollable outbursts. Unable to deal with her, her terrified and helpless parents contact the Perkins School for the Blind for assistance. In response, they send Anne Sullivan (Anne Bancroft), a former student, to the Keller home as a tutor. A battle of wills ensues as Anne breaks down Helen’s walls of silence and darkness through persistence, love, and sheer stubbornness, starting by teaching Helen to make a connection between her hand signs and the objects in Helen’s world for which they stand.” [2]

T.A. video “Anne Bancroft in ‘The Miracle Worker’ (1962)”:

For any person aspiring to become a super instructor, it is highly recommended to see this full movie. This one movie shows all the characteristics that a super instructor must have.

Movieclips Classic Trailers video “The Miracle Worker Official Trailer #1 – Victor Jory Movie (1962) HD”:

It is very touching when the real Helen Keller speaks “I am not dumb now” in the following video. Note that the word “dumb” means having an inability to speak and has no connection to intelligence or otherwise. A real story of a super instructor teaching a super student. A great story of a great woman empowering another great woman.

NewsStunning video “1930 Rare footage of Helen Keller speaking with the help of Anne Sullivan”:


Irrespective of whether a person is an instructor, a good instructor, a great instructor, or a super instructor, essentially, that person is worthy of respect and veneration. Because that person moulds the future of humankind, in a positive, life-affirming, and humanity-sustaining way.

See some super instructions on Taekwon-Do, given by super instructors in the following video:

Stephen Doyle video “Historic Taekwon-Do Instructional Film (Full video)”:


1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Longstreet (TV series). Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longstreet_(TV_series) [Accessed on May 26, 2022].

2. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Miracle Worker (1962 film). Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Miracle_Worker_(1962_film) [Accessed on May 26, 2022].


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